Friday, June 29, 2012

First 6th Edition Lists – Tyranids & Blood Angels

After work tonight I am driving up to Stockton, CA to celebrate the release of 6th Edition Warhammer 40k. Not only did Heroes on Paper give me 25% off the rulebook, but they have three tournaments scheduled; two in 6th and one in 5th. Being that it is only 5 weeks until the Golden Throne GT I need to get familiar with the rules fast, and there is no better way than playing in a tournament. Because they are having two 6th edition tournaments it means I can test out both my Tyranids and Blood Angels under the new rules.

I have followed the rumors and the rule releases fairly regularly, so I have a picture of how different units will be performing. Obviously I do not have a book in my hands, so these lists will most likely shift a bit before I put them on the table (not to mention the FAQ’s that will come out), but they will serve as my baseline for tomorrow.

Tyranid Prime (Lashwhip/Bonesword/Scything Talons)
Hive Guard x2
Hive Guard x2
Hive Guard x2
Tervigon (Onslaught/Catalyst/Scything Talons)
Termagants x10
Genestealers x 13 (Broodlord/Toxin Sacs on all/Scything Talons on Broodlord)
Carnifex x2 (Twin-Linked Devourers x2)
Trygon (Toxin Sacs)
~1499 Points

Between Reece from Frontline talking about the strengths of mass S6 shooting and the suggestion of big dakkafex blocks on a podcast (Imperial Vox Cast?) has really gotten me thinking about big carnifex blocks. Anyone who played against my full reserve nids last edition knows that shooting twin-linked devourers is one of my favorite parts of fielding the army, so it is natural I would fit them in. Add in the all but confirmed rumors about a hull point being lost for each glancing result a vehicle receives and all of a sudden a two canifex unit should statistically be able to wreck any AV11 unit they shoot at with a 24” threat range. Of course two S9 monstrous creatures are no slouches in close combat either.

The prime should typically roll with the carnifex unit. This gives me forward synapse as well as giving another boost to the carnifex unit. I stuck with the lashwhip and bonesword to make him a monster when challenging other independent characters. With rumors of how close combat is working he will be there to pick off ‘hidden’ power fists and power klaws.

The hive guard are pretty self explanatory. They shoot stuff and saturate the board with more T6 wounds. A troop tervigon is pretty standard in my lists, not only because it is custom converted and the best painted model in my army, but also because a scoring T6 W6 model that generates more scoring units is pretty much awesome. I was on the edge about catalyst now that FNP needs a 5+, but figured I would keep with it for now. Onslaught is something many nid players are not a fan of, but extra inches, especially now that I can premeasure, is something I can see being very useful. Expect the carnifex unit to be getting that turn one.

Big Momma > Games Workshop Tervigon

Trygons are my favorite model in the book without a doubt. Rumor has it with the talons and poison this guy on the charge would have seven attacks with rerollable 3’s to hit and rerollable 2’s to wound MEQ. Originally this list had two trygons (and a small gargoyle unit for screening), but Dok over at 3 for Intelligence posted this morning about the new psychic rules and how they effect Tyranids. Thus, I decided to give the old broodlord a try with a unit of genestealers. I am not positive the rules on psychic powers, but if I can I would most likely give the unit biomancy.

Only 32 models, but that happens when you take a carnifex unit. The second list is a slight shift from my standard style three land raider Blood Angels.

Reclusiarch (Melta Bombs)
Terminators x5 (3 Thunder Hammer/Storm Shield and 2 Lightning Claws)
Assault Marines x5
~Land Raider Godhammer
Death Company x9 (8 Power Weapon/1 Powerfist)
~Land Raider Redeemer (Extra Armor)
Land Raider Redeemer (Extra Armor)

I am a little worried about this list to be honest. At 1850 three land raiders is very doable. I can fit in another scoring unit as well as a land speeder, devastators, and a priest. Here I am very reliant on my one scoring unit. My hope is that the land raiders do what they do and act as a brick.

So, death company, I have never used them before as I felt like rage was a liability. Rumor has it now that rather than forcing you to run directly at your opponent rage simply gives an extra attack when you are on the charge. This means that not only can one control where the death company moves and attacks, but that on the charge they have five attacks at WS5, S5, and I5. I gave them power weapons for good measure. They also are fearless and come stock with FNP. Enter the Reclusiarch. I have never used a reclusiarch before, but this bad boy will give charging death company rerolls to both hit and wound. He also has a power weapon which supposedly gives him +2 strength. This is my beatstick.

If that isn’t enough though, there is a terminator squad too. Word on the street is that normal power weapons only are AP3. Terminators are the new black, so I figured I would give them a pop. They are set up 3 TH/SS and 2 LC because that is how my models are built.

The small assault squad simply sits on an objective. No other purpose.

Then there were three land raiders. ASM get the godhammer and just sits there shooting from a distance. My assault units are in the two redeemers. I have been very fond of land raider redeemers the last few months, being able to assault on the move and getting grenades for the terminators is great, but the real benefit is S6 AP3 flame templates. You had a tactical squad? Not anymore. Necron warriors? Where? Scarabs die too. Since I am running my redeemers at the other armies face the templates will be quickly in range. Yes, melta is a threat to me that close, but that is what my units inside are for taking care of. Now in 6th word on the street is that a vehicle moving 12” can fire one weapon at full BS and snap fire all others at BS1. Sure I can move quick and fire my twin-linked assault cannon, but the real boost here is shooting two flame templates after a 12” move; that my friend is a big improvement over what I can do in 5th. I always put extra armor on anything with an assault oriented unit inside; I have to get my boys in the fight! I dropped the multi-meltas due to the lower point value.

Those are my first lists. Battle reports will come next week! Enjoy the new edition and sixes be upon you!

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