Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Video Battle Report - Necrons vs. Chaos - 12/14/12

As I mentioned in the last post, I had a chance to play my mixed Chaos force against a seven flyer Necron list. It is a good close game, so check it out. The lists and my post game thoughts are after the jump.

Big Guns Never Tire (4 Points), The Emperor's Will (3 Points), with Linebreaker, Slay the Warlord, and First Blood (1 Point Each) using Vanguard Strike Deployment.

My mixed Chaos force takes on seven Necron Flyers! Lists and mission below. For more great 40K lists, tactics, and battle reports check out

Big Guns Never Tire (4 Points), The Emperor's Will (3 Points), with Linebreaker, Slay the Warlord, and First Blood (1 Point Each) using Vanguard Strike Deployment.

Overlord (2+/3++/Warscythe)
4 Crypteks
5 Warriors (Night Scythe)
5 Warriors (Night Scythe)
5 Warriors (Night Scythe)
5 Immortals (Night Scythe)
Doom Scythe
Doom Scythe
Doom Scythe
Aegis (Icarus Lascannon)

27 Zombies
10 Zombies
10 Zombies
10 Zombies
Heldrake (Baleflamer)
Heldrake (Baleflamer)
5 Havocs (4 Lascannons)
5 Havocs (4 Lascannons)
The Masque
9 Flamers
5 Horrors (Bolt/Changling)
9 Screamers
Aegis (Comms Relay)

I have played against a lot of four flyer Necron lists, but never one with seven flyers. The doom scythes being scoring are what did me in here. If it was any of the other objectives missions it would ahve been a win for me. This is my plan against flyers, and it is the same as I used with my Tyranids, ignore them. Focusing on the ground targets kills the things that score and that are the keys to my opponents army (unless air saturation is their plan). Knowing that I can clear the infantry off of the table means I will do relatively well in most games.

When I moved Typhus and friends forward I was, A) trying to create a distraction to keep the daemons and havocs alive, and B) hoping to have a few alive so that I could hold his Emperor's Will objective. I think putting Typhus with a havoc squad would have pulled some fire off of the zombies. If I could go back I would have just focused them on blocking up my back field and sent some little squads across the table. I also should have used the LOS blocking terrain better.

How do you handle seven flyer lists?


  1. Just curious how his Doom Scythes scored the objective. Since you measure from the hull of the vehicle for distances and the flight stands are taller then 3". Also was Typhus locked in combat when he was sniped with the Doom Scythe?

    1. For some reason I thought there was an exception, but looking at the rules it seems very clear that this was not under the allowed exceptions to that rule. I started a thread about it on our local forums, because you are very much correct here.

      As for the death ray, he was in combat. I would say that it is clear in the rules that a death ray does not target anything, this it is allowed to hit people in combat.

  2. I think playing against a flyer heavy list can be tricky. The current meta build for Tyranids can absorb a lot of the firepower and swamp the table. I will be interested to watch your video batrep.


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