2012 was the biggest year of my wargaming career. I played
in my first GT (first three to be precise), got what I would say is ‘pretty
good’ at one army, started another, and started developing real hobby skills.
This is a review of 2012 and a preview of 2013.
First though, a quick background to my history in wargaming.
I started playing 40K in December 2002. It took six months of saving my
allowance, and I still to this day fondly remember making the purchase of the 3rd
edition Dark Eldar and Space Marine starter set (which compared to today’s
starter boxes was atrocious). I began playing the dark elder, which was already
an outdated codex, but the fact that I could not afford to buy any vehicles
meant that my gunline DE earned no wins over a three year period, leading me to
quit the game and put my models in a box.
Most of my now unloved DE army. |
In 2010 I by chance walked into a lounge were some guys were
playing on a pool table. I asked if it was 40K and we exchanged phone numbers.
The next fall I joined their league at my college, and while I was still
terrible, I focused on learning tactics. These lessons, combined with the new
DE book getting released led my group to call my army over powered and
suggesting that I play in a real tournament. Two years form tomorrow was that
first foray (winning only one game), and I have loved the competitive side
since. I played DE for a few more months
until a temporary move to Detroit led to me leaving the hobby until I got back
to MN. In November 2011 I started playing again, this time with Tyranids. This
brings us to 2012, I am full of energy with a new army and a mind full of
ideas, but I am still lacking refinement in the tactics department.