On 7/14 I brought my
17 model Nidzilla list to Game Empire Pasadena for a 1500 point 6th
edition 40K tournament. There was a great turnout of 26, including both Yakface
and Blackmoor. The TO wanted the event to be as close to the rulebook as
logistically possible meaning rulebook missions, random objectives, allies, and
fortifications were all in play. Naturally I didn’t face anyone with allies and forgot to roll for random objectives in every game.
In round three I was paired against Keith and his battlewagon
Orks. I misplaced my copy of his list, so here it is from memory;
Big Mek (KFF)
10 Lootas
10 Lootas
10 Kommandos (Boss Snikrot)
20 Shoota Boyz (PK Nob/2 Big Shoota?)
20 Shoota Boyz (PK Nob/2 Big Shoota?)
19 Shoota Boyz (PK Nob/1 Big Shoota?)
Battlewagon (2 Big Shootas/Deffrolla/Red Paint)
Battlewagon (2 Big Shootas/Deffrolla/Red Paint)
Battlewagon (2 Big Shootas/Deffrolla/Red Paint)
Aegis Defense Line
The game was dawn of war (formerly known as pitched battle)
and we rolled three objectives. Keith wins the roll to go first and I
successfully roll night fight for turn one. I do not seize. Keith rolls
something unimportant for his warlord, but I roll +1 Victory Point for every
challenge I win. I do not recall what psychic powers I rolled.