In 5th edition we saw the rise of the meltagun as
a lone hero in the face of mech parking lots across the imperium. In 6th
edition it looks like vehicles are on the decline. Between hull points and not
being able to both assault and disembark in the same turn our boxes of fun look
to be seeing far less table time. At the same time terminators have gotten a
large boost due to many power weapons only receiving a rating of AP3. Monstrous
creatures could also be on the rise. I believe need to have redundant AP2
weapons which can strip hull points and kill infantry and scary monsters will
lead to 6th edition being the age of plasma. With that in mind I
made a space marine list.
Most of the events I will be playing at the next two months
are 1500, but come September I will be playing in a 2,000 point GT, the Midwest
Massacre. For that reason I will build this list to 2,000 points.
I chose space marines for the plasma storm they can provide.
Sternguard squads not only can grab lots of combi weapons, but they also have
great versatility thanks to their special ammunitions. By adding Pedro Kantor
you can make the sternguard scoring. I fit out the sternguard with 7
combi-plasma, 2 meltaguns, and give the sergeant a plasma pistol, power weapon,
and meltabombs. As explained above, I believe that the importance of plasma
weaponry has only gotten greater, and so being able to rapid fire 14 plasma
shots for a single salvo (or slowly use them as needed) is incredibly valuable.
The next thing I need is heavy support. One of the coolest
vehicles in the game is the vindicator tank. AV13 in the front and it shoots a
S10 AP2 large blast that is both ordinance and large blast. Not only is
ordinance better now due to vehicles being hit with full strength anywhere under
the template, but with deathstars of 2 wound models like Nob Bikers and
Paladins running amuck, a little instant death action thanks to doubling out
their toughness seems like a good idea. I will put siege shields on them to guarantee
my mobility, and because the shields look pretty sweet. Also, don’t forget Pedro has
an orbital bombardment in case you get bored of your other S10 large blasts.
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Pedro Kantor
10 Sternguard (Plasma Pistol + Meltabombs + Power Weapon/7
Combi-Plasma/2 Meltaguns/Drop Pod)
10 Sternguard (Plasma Pistol + Meltabombs + Power Weapon/7
Combi-Plasma/2 Meltaguns/Drop Pod)
10 Sternguard (Plasma Pistol + Meltabombs + Power Weapon/7
Combi-Plasma/2 Meltaguns/Drop Pod)
Vindicator (Siege Shield)
Vindicator (Siege Shield)
Vindicator (Siege Shield)
So the core of the list is 1645. We need two troops. We also
need two more drop pods so all the sternguard can drop turn one. The easy
solution to both of these problems is two 10 man tactical squads in drop pods
with no upgrades. They will deploy on objectives in cover. Their job is to go
to ground, not die, and thanks to stubborn hopefully not run away. This brings
the list to 2055. By dropping three siege shields, three meltabombs, and one of
the sergeant’s plasma pistols (giving him combi-plasma) we now have a 2000
point list.
The biggest weakness here is figuring out how to deal with
fliers. An aegis defense line with a gun not only would help me shoot down
fliers and FMC’s, but it also would give marines a safe place to hide. I
recognize that the combat sergeants and the biggest waste of points, so by
dropping their power weapons, trading plasma pistols for combi-plasma, and
dropping four combi-plasmas from vets I can add a defense line with an icarus lascannon.
Because the model in base to base with the cannon is shooting it we will put
Pedro on the ground with the tactical squads. A BS5 skyfire/interceptor lascannon
will come in handy. Here is the final list. It plays pretty straight forward,
but has a lot of fire power and could do quite well in those higher point level
tournaments based on what we have seen of 6th so far. How would you
respond to this across the table?
Pedro Kantor
10 Sternguard (Combi-Plasma/6 Combi-Plasma/2 Meltaguns/Drop
10 Sternguard (Combi-Plasma/6 Combi-Plasma/2 Meltaguns/Drop
10 Sternguard (Combi-Plasma/5 Combi-Plasma/2 Meltaguns/Drop
10 Tactical Marines (Drop Pod)
10 Tactical Marines (Drop Pod)
Aegis Defense Line (Icarus Lascannon)
2000 Points
I'm loving my eldar in 6th and if u wanted a list tailored to yours I would likely go with a little modification on my footdar list. Eldrad plus a farseer with 4 powers in a 10man wraithguard with a conceal lock forms the core of the list. Fortune and invis gives me a 2+ rerolling cover to negate the plasma leaving me open only to cc which you have none of. The rest of the list would be rangers with 2+ cover to score and harlequins with melta to deal with the sternguard and vindicators. The rest of my points would bring a dark eldar detachment for a little more close combat and a flier. If u want ill roll up the exact list with point costs. Let me know
ReplyDeleteThe problem with footdar lists is that is you are dealing with Ld issues. If you take the Avatar you are stuck in a bunched up position which even with cover could lose many models to the vindicators.
ReplyDeleteAgainst a list like this I see a game plan that looks like this: Ignore the wraithguard, which is fairly easy due to their short range, and take out the rest of the list. Cover ignoring ammo takes down pathfinders (as well as harlies) and marines can handle DE. Depending on the mission you are left with one hard to kill block holding an objective but is out of range of the rest of my army, allowing me to work on the rest of your army without the support of your 350 point troop.
I do like the idea of the DE allies to improve your mobility.
The idea with the list is the harlies are behind the wraithwall so if u drop in position to shoot them you're vulnerable to the wraiths and if u don't u give away the positioning advantage of drop pods leaving the dark eldar free to come in from reserve and maneuver at will. I think it would be a pretty fun match up to play. And yes 1 dropper per ranger squad equals dead rangers:(
ReplyDeleteI agree it would be a fun match up. If you positioned the Harlies behind the wraithwall I feel you would take them out of the game. Since they are a combat unit that is nonscoring, they either have to sit there as a counter attack unit (and thus useless if I play avoidance) or they have to come forward to attack me at which point they lose the wraithguard protection (unless the guard leave cover to follow) and can then be picked off.
DeleteThat's the key with the setup. Warlock gives 5+ cover and invis reduces it to 2+ so they take thier terminatoresque cover with them when they move dominating any midfield scoring. The harlies only leave the wraiths to sweep out and clear objectives. Problems I see are not getting turn 1 and casting invis leaves the wraiths open to blistering fire. Also if u r able to place more objectives and turtle I think I lose from round 1.
ReplyDeleteMy point though is that they are either together, and thus only taking one objective, and thus can be ignored, or they are separating at which point they lose the symbiotic relationship they had. That is the biggest drawback to the wraithguard, the short range of their guns. Longer range guns would make them quite scary.
DeleteOhh I agree that's where the fun is:) do the harlequins spread rapidly enough to get the charge off or do they fall short and die in a single round of shooting? An 18" threat on the charge is no joke. But I've also charged 5 marines with 10 harlies and lost the combat. Fun stuff:)