This series of posts has been composed a few paragraphs at a time over the last week as I have begun the journey of learning a new book, and play style, as I move away from tyranids this next tournament season. Rather than changing previous ideas or reworking this post I have left it as is. I feel that is shows the process I use while creating and testing lists as well as providing insight behind why I am and will continue to make the list building choices I have been. This is part two of four interconnected posts.

Here are my thoughts on some of the units I tried out;
Maulerfiend – I like the idea of this unit, but in practice I am not so set. With a Trygon, I can shrug off wounds, but this guy could die from any shot. I am not set on vehicles, and an AV10 rear armor vehicle that is only I3 is not so hot. Even if they got into combat, I don't think they have enough damage output (too few attacks). These guys are out, which is a shame because I had some cool conversion ideas.
Flamers/Herald – I have never used daemons, so my placement of these guys could have been better. I put them too far back, focusing on his grounded tyrant rather than pushing into his main force. It doesn't help that I only did one wound with five of their flame templates. For their price, and the damage I have seen them do; I think they will be great for me.
Plaguebearers – It is kind of scary for me to just have five models chilling on their own on the table. The idea here is since the zombies are walking on, they can deep strike forward to score in an open corner. I will have to play more to get a feel for them.
Communications Relay – I think this is worth the points. In this list I have a few units going forward and a lot of vulnerable stuff in the back. I need to stop my opponent’s things that are pushing forward as soon as possible, and making sure I get the dragons (and flamers if I didn’t get my preferred wave) on turn two is worth the 20 points. The downside is that if I add a quadgun, which after seeing it down my vehicles I think I will be trying out, then I have to drop the relay.
Typhus – This guy is not fitting into the list once it is on the table. The nurgle powers are handy, but I feel like he is a glorified babysitter for cultists. I need to figure out something better to do with him on the table.
This leads me to evaluate three things I feel the list needs; 1) Friends for Typhus, 2) long range firepower, 3) tools for tanks and flyers. Since I am dropping two Maulerfiends, I have 250 points to play with.
Option A: 6 terminators with mark of nurgle and 5 combi weapons. This gives Typhus friends, and with their deep strike they could put forward pressure on my opponent, plus do some anti-tank on the drop. They can also walk forward and prevent my opponent from grabbing the center of the table.
Option B: Two units of five havocs each with four autocannons, one plaguebearer, and one flamer. 16 S7 shots isn’t too shabby.
Option C: Add a quad gun, drop herald of tzeentch for herald of nurgle, plus six screamers and two more flamers. Typhus and some zombies play with the quad gun and the screamers add another layer of offense in my opponent’s face to keep them pinned deep. The switch to the nurgle herald allows both flamers and screamers in my preferred wave.
Option D: Add a quad gun, drop the herald of tzeentch for herald of nurgle, plus two more flamers and four terminators with mark of nurgle and three combi weapons.
Right now I am leaning toward option D, as this best fills in the three holes my list had. Somewhere in there mixed with dropping the comms relay (for the quad) I ended up with a few spare points so some things shifted. Here is what I am currently feeling at 1850;
230 Typhus
170 Chaos Lord (Juggernaut, Mark of Khorne, Axe of Blind Fury, Sigil of Corruption)
165 4 Terminators (Mark of Nurgle, 3 Combi-Plasma)
50 10 Plague Zombies
50 10 Plague Zombies
50 10 Plague Zombies
50 10 Plague Zombies
50 10 Plague Zombies
260 10 Chaos Bikers (Mark of Khorne, VotLW, Icon of Wrath)
170 Heldrake (Baleflamer)
170 Heldrake (Baleflamer)
100 Aegis Defense Line (Quad Gun)
50 Herald of Nurgle
207 9 Flamers of Tzeentch
75 5 Plaguebearers of Nurgle
170 Lord (MoK, AoBF, Juggernaut, SoC)
230 Typhus
50 Plague Zombies
50 Plague Zombies
50 Plague Zombies
50 Plague Zombies
50 Plague Zombies
206 8 Bikes (MoK, Icon of Wrath)
170 Heldrake (Baleflamer)
170 Heldrake (Baleflamer)
115 5 Havoks (4 Autocannon)
105 5 Havoks (3 Autocannon)
50 Herald of Nurgle
207 9 Flamers of Tzeentch
75 5 Plaguebearers
100 Aegis (Quadgun)
As I stated at the beginning, this is the second of a four part series on my initial list building and testing of the new Chaos Space Marine book. Because of the composition process there will be things in this post that I disagree with in later posts. That is part of the raw analysis as I develop a new list.
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