Maybe the title is trying a little too hard? Regardless, the Bay Area Open is a premier event. If I was not as restricted on traveling as I am due to my job I would certainly try and make the trip. Not only is it well run, but Reece and the Frontline/Zero Comp guys are totally boss (and hilarious). Last I heard they were just over 50% full, so do not hesitant to buy your ticket. With that I turn it over to Reece!
Ready to form Voltron! Activate interlocks! Dyna-therms connected. Infra-cells up; mega-thrusters are go! Form feet and legs; form arms and body; and I'll form the head!
Voltron plays in the team tournament! |
Yeah, that's right everyone, Reecius here to announce the launch of the Bay Area Open 2013, March 1-3!
Like the mighty Voltron, this event is loved by good, feared by evil and ready to chop some nasty old Robeasts into little bits, Ki-Yi!
So, what is the BAO? It is the largest miniatures gaming tournament on the West Coast of the USA, what started Team Zero Comp and Frontline Gaming. Way back in yonder years a group of buddies that loved playing in 40K tournaments decided to throw their hat in the ring and run one for themselves. It turned out to be a good idea as the event was a big success and was what gave them the idea to open a Game Store and live the gamer life, full time!
So, the BAO is a very special event for us. We've really worked hard to make this the best year yet, and the feedback we've been getting so far has been just awesome. So many people are excited to come and it really means a lot to us to see the excitement building! We've got folks coming in from all over the USA and a few teams saying they're coming in from out of the country! One of the awesome things about the BAO is the low price. Our tickets are very affordable and the Hotel (The Day's Inn and Suites of Antioch) is super cheap ($69.99 per night for a double! Just tell them you're there for the Bay Area Open) which makes the BAO the most affordable, major GT in the country. You can grab tickets here!
Prize support at our events is AWESOME! We give out entire armies, awards for best painted, best costumes, Renaissance Man, our very popular "Best Of" awards that go out to the player that does the best with each army, and our very awesome new Tournament Champion award, The Belt of Russ!
The Ultimate Warrior wants the Belt of Russ! |
Yeah, you read that right! We're making a super awesome belt of awesomness that will have the winner's name on it, straight up WWF style! We will keep the belt on display at Frontline Gaming and every event's winner will have their name added to the Belt of Russ! What's not to love about that?!
So mark your calendars, the BAO 2013 is coming up, March 1-3 and is gong to be a super fun, can't miss event!
Thanks for helping to plug the event! We wish you could make it, but totally understand that it isn't always possible.