Main Rulebook Page 43 – Special Rules, Vector Strike.
Change the second paragraph to read “When Swooping, this model may savage its prey. At the end of the Movement Phase, nominate one unengaged enemy unit the model has moved over that turn. This unit may even be an enemy Flyer. That unit takes D3+1 hits, resolved at the model’s unmodified Strength and AP3, using Random Allocation. Against vehicles, these hits are resolved against the target’s side armour. No cover saves are allowed against these hits.”
Two big changes in here. First, random allocation is now in play for vector strikes. This prevents me from sniping models via heldrakes flying of the table at specific angles, and fluff wise makes sense. I already through some DnD dice with my Chaos army to speed up allocation. The second is a huge benefit to vector strikes...no cover saves! This makes vector strikes one of the most reliable ways to finish off the last two of three guys in a unit.
More changes after the jump!
Q: When making a Shooting attack against a unit, can Wounds from the Wound Pool be allocated to models that were not within range any of the shooting models when To Hit rolls were made (i.e. half the targeted model are in the shooting models’ range, and half are not)? (p15)
A: No.
On our local forum Hulksmash has aptly pointed out that this will lead many MEQ squads to start adding heavy bolters, simply to keep the squad fully in range. In the same way I think that many flamer units will start having one model use warpfire so as to increase their range.
Q: Can a Flyer or Flying Monstrous Creature Leave Combat Airspace on the same turn that it entered play from Reserves/Ongoing Reserves? (p49/81)
A: No – the owning player must deploy and move their Flyer or Flying Monstrous Creature in such a way that this does not happen.
This will lead to a small shift in my own heldrake tactics, as I regularly would fly them onto the table for a long vector strike, and then turbo boost them off so I could do it again the next turn.
Q: Can the rider of a Chariot that is also a Skimmer make Sweep Attacks against Zooming Flyers or Swooping Flying Monstrous Creatures? (p82).
A: No.
This is a huge benefit to Tyranids. Though not as much of an issue as it used to be when CCB were all the rage, this certainly helps flyers of all varieties against warscythes.
Q: How do I determine the Arc of Sight for a Heldrake’s ranged weapon? (p52)
A: Treat the Heldrake’s ranged weapon as a Turret Mounted Weapon, measuring all ranges from the edge of the Heldrake’s base nearest to the target unit.
Heldrakes have always been good. Now they are silly good. I am chomping at the bit for an RTT this weekend to try them out with full range of motion.
Page 54 – Mycetic Spore, Transport Spore.
Change the second paragraph to read “A Mycetic Spore can carry a single unit of up to 20 infantry models or a single monstrous creature within its armoured shell. Once a Mycetic Spore has landed, all creatures within must immediately deploy – place the unit such that every model is wholly within 6" of the Mycetic Spore. If any models cannot be deployed because of impassable terrain or enemy models within 1", those models are destroyed. A unit that Deep Strikes via a Mycetic Spore cannot move or assault in the same turn it arrives but may shoot or run.”
Q: If a unit is embarked on a Night Scythe that is Wrecked or Explodes, do they suffer Strength 10 hits with no armour saves as per the Crash and Burn rules before they are placed in reserve? (p81)
A: No.
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