5 Terminators (5 Thunder Hammer and Storm Shields)
~Land Raider Redeemer (Melta)

~Land Raider Redeemer (Melta)
~Land Raider Redeemer (Melta)
Vindicator (Dozer)
Company Command Squad (Astropath)
Infantry Platoon
~Al'Rahem Platoon Command Squad (Chimera/Vox/2 Melta)
~Infantry Squad (Axe/Vox)
~Infantry Squad (Axe)
~Infantry Squad (Axe)
Find out how this list is supposed to work after the jump:
All of my armies are hyper aggressive - Dark Eldar, Orks, Daemons, Tyranids - but this might be the most aggressive list I have ever made. 98.6%, all but 80 points of the list, literally charges at the enemy and kills as much as it can. The best part is that I get to put all of the objectives one one side of the table. The look on people's faces when you start putting them on their side of the table is priceless. the four tanks start on the board, roll up, and deliver their payload of pain! With so few units target priority is key, so lascannon devastator teams and haywire cypteks need to go asap! the astropath makes it more likely I get my blob in and more likely they turn up on the side I want. Outflank mixed with first rank fir second rank fire typically yields about one hundred shots. Mix in the divination librarian in the future turns and you get quite a combo that actually is the true workhorse of the list.
There happened to be an RTT the week after I made the list, so I headed over there for a little gaming action using the Adepticon missions despite having worked an overnight shift the night prior. There were ten players there including Hulksmash who would end up winning with 10 TH/SS terminators with a Gate Librarian and a FarsightBomb. In round one I faced off against John and his new Tau. There was an Aun'Va, three fire warrior teams, a deep striking suit team with the upgraded Iridium commander, the Longshot hammerhead, and allied Space Marines with a tac squad and librarian who rode with five thunder hammer storm shield terminators.
After my turn two. |
Round two I played against Sam. While Sam is a younger player, he is really good and has a great handle on the rules. Sam had watched me play with my daemons and admitted some of his list building had been influenced by what I did. He had a bloodthirster, lord of change, two tzeentch princes, several bloodletter squads, a CCS, a veterans squad, and an artillery unit with a medusa and a basilisk. He took max upgrades on the princes. There was an objective in the center of each quarter and the relic in the middle.
Just after he passed all his grounding checks. |
Sam was able to kill all my land raiders, but not before they killed the lord of change (before he could drop the portalglyph) and a daemon prince. My vindicator took over most of the blood letters that had not mishapped while in the end my platoon did come in on the side I wanted, killing all his IG and shooting down the second to last flying monstrous creature. The game ended on five with me winning objectives 1-0 and with the relic never getting touched. I think I still could have won in later turns as my PCS and the objective were properly bubble wrapped by the blob.
My last game was against Nate and his army of mostly original Rouge Trader era models. He had some tac squads, scouts, assault marines, Cassius and a librarian with shooty terminators, a land raider, vindicator, and a thunderfire. We placed objectives and it was also kill points. I actually thought the matchup was pretty good, but Nate equalized things by spreading the objectives out. He went first and wrecked my vindicator even though he only had front armor showing. I moved my army up, and rolled pretty horrendously, doing nothing.
I also got another game in with the list with a dark angels triple flyer, scout, and tac squad list and did quite well, with him only having two models left on the after my fourth turn.
Lessons learned;
1. Land Raiders are not indestructible. Of the combined 36 hull points I had in all three games, I had only two total combined at the end of the games. I also only got to use my flame templates three times all day.
2. Play aggressive. In my games at the tournament I was hugging cover and moving very reserved in order to get more shooting. In my other game I turbo boosted further forward even though he had melta guns. This list needs to be absolutely on top of people.
3. Stick to the plan on objectives. I can't let the other player or their army get in my head by counter placing objectives. I need to stick to the plan I line once corner with objectives. Make them play my game in their house.
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