I knew I needed to get this up when I read Goatboy's weekly post on BoLS this week, the guy said he was going to make a Storm Talon Heldrake. I can't let the Great Goat get credit for the idea, I needed photo evidence! In all actuality he will do a much better job than me, but here is my progress on it so far. I need to do more green stuffing, especially tentacles and other Slaaneshi things. The big issue here is the wings, as this is smaller than a real Heldrake. My take on it is that between the fact that it is a flyer and has a 5++ size doesn't really matter in regards to cover and in a pinch I will just rule in favor of my opponent for size, but a few people have mentioned I should find a way to extend the wings.
Here is Heldrake #2, the vendetta. I was really happy with how the neck integrated and how the flames came out, which will be greatly improved by more green stuff. I am trying to get a hold of some bloodletters to spice it up, and it also needs some more greenstuff. The opposite wing has a huge chaos star, which is better than the Khorne icon I made on it the photographed side.
I asked green stuff industries if they thought I could get a tentacle maker before Adepticon, and they made sure I had one within a week. They rock and I will do a full review in the future. I ended up ripping the arm off my old tentacle havoc and making a new arm; as you see below it is a huge improvement (though it may still be a tad bit long).
Here are some Horrors. I think I really captured the essence that they are the minions of the Tzeentch family. I really like the effect of using the hunched bodies. The Changling is the one with spikes, making him easily identifiable.
The biggest project has been sculpting flames on the rotors of the screamers. This has honestly been the primary task of my hobby time the last two weeks, but I finished yesterday. I look forward to having the models complete (they must be WYSIWYG for a tournament this weekend) but I am having to put faith that artistic juices will pull them together, because right now I am not sure how I am going to pull off all the conversions while retaining the model's individuality.
Flamers are completed and primed. Here are a selection of the buggers. I am really thrilled with how they turned out and can't wait to paint them up. I am not set on how I am going to do Tzeentch skin yet.
The start of my objective markers and comms relay. Each will be themed after a different chaos god.
And lastly...ZOMBIES! I just started season one of Walking Dead and I a totally pumped to play with my own 'walkers' now that I have seen them in that show. I have Typhus' unit of 25 done, but need to do the greenstuff work on the other 30 in the list.
In other words, considering I leave for the Indy Open in nine days, I have so much to do. Hulksmash once painted an awesome looking army in just two weeks, so this is doable. Fortunately the only thing I have this weekend is an RTT, so things should be relatively productive.
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