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Vect: He will run train on your harpies. |
I have been thinking a lot about what army I will be playing post Adepticon, knowing that I will most likely be getting burnt out of Chaos Space Marines. I posted an horde Ork and a mostly foot Dark Eldar list to a Minnesota community wargaming group and a skilled, yet admittedly cocky player, believed that my list was poor (which it might be). I wrote a response, but there was something about how he said it that made me want to throw down, so I issued a challenge...
...which was turned down.
I responded that only way I knew how...with an over the top video challenge...On 2/20/13 "American Dream" Turn 7 Wargaming laid down a challenge to a cocky youth who needed to be put in his place. After Twitch (known in some circles as Emo Joe) refused to put his money were his mouth is the "International Superstar" Turn 7 Wargaming had no choice but to make a video to capture his thoughts and let a small portion of his fan base speak their mind. It's a rivalry two days in the making!
More on the lists after the jump!
Now typically we all believe that Dark Eldar has a huge advantage against Tyranids. In fact the player I bought my first Nids from frequently lost to my Dark Eldar. Yet in playing Tyranids myself I know that the right player or the right list can handle the speedy little hedonists. Honestly though, if anyone can handle them it is Joe and his list. He utilizes two flyrants and two harpies. I know, you think the harpy is terribad, I did too until I started playing Joe, but he has made them something I fear through his skillful use of them. With four aggressive flying monsters he lines his backfield with gants, three tervigons, and some hive guard in a very solid list.

Asdrubael Vect (Dais of Destruction)
Haemonculi (Shattershard)
8 Incubi
10 Kabalite Warriors (Dark Lance)
10 Kabalite Warriors (Dark Lance)
10 Kabalite Warriors (Dark Lance)
10 Kabalite Warriors (Dark Lance)
Beastpack (3 Masters/4 Razorwings/5 Khymrae)
Farseer (Runes of Warding/Doom/Fortune/Singing Spear)
10 Fire Dragons (Exarch/Crack Shot/Tank Hunters)
3 Guardian Jetbikes
3 Guardian Jetbikes
Aegis (Quadgun)
Ten years ago when I started playing warhammer Dark Eldar was my army. I lost every game I played for three years. Two and a half years ago when I came back to the hobby I picked them up again (and luckily a new book came out two months later). I really want to make Dark Eldar work, but have only played them once since May of 2011, nearly two years ago (and that one use was in an unoptimized desperate alliance with horde orks). This list makes use of three things that are new or changed in 6th; rapid fire, allies, and vehicle survivability.
The biggest black spot for people in this list I believe is the Dais of Destruction. At the cost of a storm raven I get an AV13 fast skimmer with three dark lances and room to carry a land raider costed character and his band of jolly mates. In the past the prohibition on using raider upgrades on this thing meant that it was overly fragile with how vehicle destruction worked, but in today's world with the way glances work and the automatic 5+ for jink it is pretty hefty as anyone who has played mech Necrons can tell you. Without actually playtesting it at this point in the edition I can't make guarantees, but I think it will be slick.
Vect is a pimp. 2++ with WS8, BS8, and I7 with a million AP3 attacks that always wound on 3+. Not to mention he seizes on a 4+ and has blast grenades (remember that BS8?) that are S10 AP3 wounding against Ld, gaining him a wound back for each wound he inflicts with it. What a monster. He also has a grenade launcher which is handy in a book without many grenades. The Incubi bring some solid AP2 fighting at a high initiative and S4, plus the 3+ armor is nice in a fragile book. The haemonculi fills up the party wagon, giving the unit FNP to start with on top of serving as the challenge monkey so that Vect can do his thing (It is only 13 more points for a haemonculi compared to an incubi vet character). The shattershard was taken to fill my last fifteen points; the ability to remove models from the game with a toughness test is always a good ace in the hole.
Contrary to popular practice, I deploy my defense line typically one movement (so 6" in this case) outside my deployment. This gives me movement options while retaining cover. The idea here is that I really can take advantage of the changes to rapid fire which honestly make the DE warrior a smooth criminal. My original list had another 20 warriors in it for just this reason, the weight of fire these guys put out is fantastic.
The beastpack was a late addition which is a big reason why there are less warriors. There are a lot of fast threats out there, and sometimes you need to slow them down, this beastpack is a cheap 28 wound roadblock that can put out up to 45 attacks on the charge. It is fast as well. Another advantage is that it forces opponents to split their S7+ shots between them (to double out the razorwings) and the dais.
The Eldar ally makes the list even better. The runes of warding is the best psyker defense in the game. Fortune will be used to keep him and the fire dragons alive and doom makes Dark Eldar warriors into killing machines, allowing them to wound on 75% of their hits. The shining spear is cheap, and considering the squad has tank hunters is a reliable way of doing some damage to a vehicle. He runs with the fire dragons who kill land raiders and double out scary things like wraiths and paladins. The exarch is key here as well. He is BS5 for the quad gun, and cracki shot preventing jink saves, and can reroll his to pen rolls. Think about how useful that is against flyers?
Last is two squads of jetbikes, which while fragile are fast and will be reserved. They will score linebreaker and contest objectives if I go second.
All around this is a very different (and much more difficult) list than I have been playing with chaos, so more than anything I hope Joe responds to my challenge so I have an excuse to play with my old favorite models when I should instead be focusing on what I am going to do when the new Daemon book screws up my GT plans. What are your thoughts on the list?
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